The South Central PA Chapter of NAWIC will host Netflix star, Rae Ripple, for a presentation on non-traditional careers and finding your passion at the York County School of Technology’s field house on March 8th from 4-6pm. This FREE event is sponsored by Harley Davidson, The Adult and Continuing Education Center at YCST, York County School of Technology, and Lincoln Electric. The event is designed to provide students and community members, especially girls and women, the opportunity to see how a non-traditional career can be successful and how viable a career in construction can be.
Rae Ripple is a metal artist, fabricator, and breakout star of Netflix’s Metal Shop Masters. She has been published in Welder magazine and featured on Monster garage on Discovery Channel. She has painted murals through the state of Texas and has installed metal art throughout the world.
In addition to this event, the NAWIC Chapter will be hosting a safety lunch and learn, jobsite tours of finished and current sites, a luncheon, and a happy hour event to allow women in construction in the area to network, learn, and build relationships.
For more information, or to register for this FREE event, please visit